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  • amsgc
    12-19 07:40 PM
    PD and EBI/II/III shlould be ad to the above list.

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  • rajeev_74
    09-23 05:36 AM
    As completely unrelated these two issues are (from a law maker's perspective) on a normal day, these are possibly those times when each of these issues can help the other.

    IV has been discussing about the possibility of one for two solution (partial). The idea is to request congress to exempt EB applicants & their dependents from numerical limits of the Immigrant visas, if they buy a home. It is my belief that market sentiment is the most important thing in any financial market(s) and the housing prospects look pretty bleak. There are lot of members in the EB community that have NOT bought their own home, even though they could afford one because of the uncertainty with EB GC. IV's idea is to bridge the financial committees and judiciary committees in the House/Senate and see if corresponding Chairman/Ranking members are willing to listen. Things are moving so fast with the 700bn USD bail out plan and we will NOT have time to do things the normal way, through our counsel. We have to present this idea to the corresponding staff members of key members of congress (see list below) and see if this gets traction now or going forward.

    Please do not bring EB-5 discussion/comparison here. The proposed partial solution is different from EB-5 in that EB-5 investors invest money and we are investing in our future with a genuine intention of making USA our permanent home.

    If you already have a home, thats fine. Any such legislation will reduce the wait times in EB categories and we need housing markets to rebound for a safer economy before the ripple effects are felt every where.

    Who to write to

    Staff members(Chief of Staff, Legislative LA, Financial LA, Legislative Director) of Chairman/Ranking members of House/Senate Judiciary committee & Finance/Banking committee, Staff members of your representative and your senators. Please find staff members of the committees in the spreadsheet (

    You can find your representative & senator staff members on this website (

    Please use valid email addresses and NOT fictitious/junk mail. It undermines the whole purpose and our emails will be flagged by mail scanners / spam checkers as some thing similar to famous Nigeria bank account scams.

    Email Subject: Proposal to alleviate current US Housing/economic crisis



    This proposal alleviates the current US economic crisis, by motivating the US high skilled, legal immigrant workers to purchase homes. The size of this immigrant population is approximately 800,000 individuals. This effort if successful would inject up to US$ 20Billion approximately into the economy (approximately US$ 100 Billion in houses sold across the country) , while at the same time directing this money into the root cause of the economic crisis � the illiquidity of the national housing market. The above calculation is done
    assuming a median US home price of $212,400 and buyers making a down-payment of 20% of the cost of the home. Roughly estimating 400,000 buyers.


    Undoubtedly, we are all devastated by the shake up on Wall Street in the past 15 days. Experts agree that the underpinning problem is the housing crisis caused by sub-prime mortgage loans. Many of us, who cannot afford our monthly mortgage payments are losing homes and putting them up for sale and foreclosure, which further adds to the crisis. At the same time, most of the Employment-based (EB) immigrant community would like to purchase homes and make the United States a permanent home for their families. These EB immigrants however, are living in a state of limbo, mostly in rental apartments because of the delays and uncertainties involved with the EB immigration procedure. The wait times in EB categories are exacerbated by the delays in processing by USCIS, even though eligible applicants have filed for Permanent Residency also known as Adjustment of Status. Such processing delays have resulted in the wastage of 218,000 immigrant visa numbers (Page 52 of USCIS Ombudsman Annual report 2007). The current Department of State visa bulletin shows 7+ years of wait times in certain categories. We strongly believe that legislation can be worked out in such a way that the housing markets all over the country can move towards recovery, while at the same time motivating the Green Card applicants to catalyze this recovery.

    It should be noted that this proposal by no means brings more immigrant workers into the US. The workers in the EB, skilled category are already present in the US, doing skilled jobs that no US worker is available to do. They are part of the long queue of backlogged cases that USICIS will eventually process; however, this wait can take years and in that case could not be used as a tool to minimize the course of the current economic crisis.


    Congress can pass legislation that exempts EB green card applicants and their dependents from the numerical limits of visa numbers, provided applicant(s) have bought a home making 20% down payment on the sale price of the home, for a time period deemed necessary by the congress.

    How can Employment based Immigrants help alleviate the housing problem?

    (1) Employment based immigrants are highly skilled and are employed in occupations such as Software, IT, Health care, Energy, Finance, Education and Research & Development across the United States.

    (2) Average income of these individuals/households is around 65,000/130,000 USD.

    (3) All these Employment based immigrants have gone through Department of Labor�s recruiting process, which certifies that there is no willing, able and qualified US Citizen to do the job.

    (4) Most of the Employment based immigrants have excellent credit history and good source of income to make the payments needed for their home mortgage.

    (5) By requiring a 20% down payment from this group of buyers, Congress can directly channel this money to where it is need most � at the banks.

    (6) Employment based green card applicants have been living in the United States for 6-8 years. Many of them have US graduate degrees in their fields of expertise. These applicants are well versed with the American culture and will not change the cultural landscape.

    (7) Financial burden on US government and treasury will be reduced drastically if the glut of houses in the market decreases.

    As a member of the community that wants to make the US its permanent home, I want to contribute to a solution that helps USA and US during these tough times. I sincerely believe that the 30 year commitment on mortgages by Employment based immigrants in the housing market, backed by solid, risk free mortgages can turn the down ward spiral in the housing market into a upward spiral.


    I feel this is is worth trying...

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  • user_1980
    09-21 12:19 AM
    I'm about to transfer my H1. I have recent paystubs - Problem is that Paystub shows gap between pay date and pay period (around 7 weeks from pay period)..And, yeah I was in status all the time.

    will this paystub cause any problem while transfering H1-B to another employer?

    Please advice.


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  • InTheMoment
    09-14 09:16 PM
    It is important to know the numbers of traditional labors filed in year 2005 before PERM was implemented on March 28, 2005. Does anybody have hard numbers on these ?

    This is a very relevant piece of info, as tons were filed because PERM was a new animal and no one wanted to play around with it before they understood it.


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  • Jerrome
    05-12 11:20 AM
    Please quote these sites where they mention what is happening in Sri Lanka is a "Genocide". What happened during WWII was a genocide of the Jews. The camps where the IDP's are kept are temporary where they are checked to make sure that there are no suicide bombers, terrorists etc. The LTTE is known to hide behind civilians and attack, like they do now from the safe zone. They are preventing the civilians from leaving the safe zone... so in effect the LTTE is committing a genocide of it's own people. If there is a Genocide then you would see it everywhere in the country, which is not happening. Half my family side is Tamil, and live in the south / central and west of the island. They are all fine and have no issues, now you go figure.

    Having said that i'm not gonna say that the SL gov is an angel, it has it's bad side and good side. I don't agree with the govt that Independent journalists should be kept away or intimidated, but coming from south asia (or any part of the world for that matter), you won't get any govt that is 100% good.

    It looks like your half family does not know what is happening in the camps. Rather these thrown out media reporters know about that in detail.

    Oh..I forgot to mention all the people who are talking in this report are LTTE and supporters of LTTE.

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  • sc3
    09-23 04:28 PM
    This suggestion is totally unethical. This is opportunism at its worst.

    I saw a few posts that have already started carving out the law per their own conditions, and bashing people who have real concerns about any action on the bill. There was a time when real grievances by a group of people was being shut down for want of "unity". But with so many members starting these kind of threads (and the apparent lack of the "administrators" refuting such discussions), I think it is time to start individual cabals to further our own goals rather than the whole community.


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  • test101
    07-03 08:11 PM
    do you mind using what you wrote for emaling the media ?


    Posting here as asked by Pappu:
    Hi Jessie,

    I am contacting you today regarding the recent chain of events concerning employment-based immigrants.

    I am positive you are aware of the recent debacle skilled professionals waiting for years in the immigration backlog have sufferred thanks to the Dept of State and the USCIS.

    Some Facts:
    - On June 13, DoS announced the July Visa Bulletin which made visa numbers available for all categories of employment-based immigrant visas, for all countries of chargeability. The July Visa Bulletin made all categories for all countries "CURRENT", giving a ray of hope to skilled professionals waiting in line for years to get a green card. ( a%2ffrvi%2fbulletin%2fbulletin_3258.html)

    - Faced with this news, applicants and their families spent significant time and resources to put together the required documentation in a very short time, in many cases procuring important documents from their home countries and getting them couriered at considerable expense; and having family members like spouses and children fly in to the U.S. to be able to apply for a green card. Thousands of dollars were spent on this, and on the required medical checkups, and in many cases lawyers' fees, in order to submit the applications for the final stage of green card - Adjustment of Status (AOS), by filing Form I-485 by end of June so it reaches USCIS by July 2.

    - Once a Visa Bulletin for the next month is announced, USCIS accepts all applications to adjust status that are received in that month. They may not have enough visa numbers for all applications received, and as such are not bound to actually issue green cards to all applicants in the month. However, applicants and their family members can receive interim benefits after filing e.g.:
    1. Employment Authorization (EAD): This is particularly important for spouses, who are often unable to work because they are on H4 visas, and do not belong to specialized occupations that would entitle them to get an H1B visa.
    2. Advanced Parole: Allowing applicants to travel freely.
    3. Portability: Allows applicants to change employers 180 days after filing AOS, if the new job is the same as the one they based their positions/original green card applications on. This is very important for most professionals, who are bound to a particular employer for years during the green card processing, marred by its delays and complexity.

    - Early on July 2, the first day when USCIS started receiving applications for AOS, the Dept of State announced an updated Visa Bulletin, stating that USCIS has issued extraordinary number of immigrant visas (60,000) for employment-based immigrants (between the July 2007 Visa Bulletin announcement on June 13 and end of June = June 29), thus running out of any available visa numbers for the rest of the year! ( a%2ffrvi%2fbulletin%2fbulletin_3263.html)

    - Following that, displaying amazing coordination, USCIS posted an update on its web site stating any AOS applications receivedi n the month of July will be rejected, effective immediately (July 2). ( 2fpressrelease%2fVisaBulletin2Jul07.pdf)

    In effect, this closed the available window for filing AOS applications - the entire month of July - even before it opened!

    - The fact that a Visa Bulletin gets updated mid-month is unprecedented.

    - The fact that the USCIS processed and adjudicated roughly the same number of AOS applications in about 15 days as they have done in the previous 10 months is both alarming and shocking!

    - The American Immigrant Law Foundation is considering a class-action lawsuit agains USCIS/DoS.

    - Immigration Voice ( ( rg%2f)), an organization of skilled professionals/documented immigrants is considering the same.

    - Here's a Press Release from ( 48-no-celebration-for-thousands-of-highly-skilled-future-americans-this-july-4th.html)

    - Also of interest, the following blog post by immigration lawyer Greg Siskind:
    Full-Blown Scandal ( skind%2f2007%2f07%2ffull-blown-scan.html)

    - Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren has issued a statement against this move, and written to both USCIS and DoS: ( Article.aspx%3fNewsID%3d1808)

    - Following link is from Forbes, a wire story by AP that got picked up by many media outlets in the last 24 hours:
    Legal Workers Lose Chance at Green Cards ( %2fap%2f2007%2f07%2f02%2fap3879453.html)

    Hoping you will be able to highlight the plight of tens of thousands of such folks who got their single glimmer of hope taken away from them in a flash, before it even became available. (Ironically, all this happened whilst in the background lawmakers were considering legalizing 12-20 million undocumented immigrants.)


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  • legal_alien_007
    07-10 02:24 PM
    nicely written.. i wish u all the best


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  • sj2273
    06-11 07:49 PM
    To be honest, I do agree that the US needs qualified people with skillsets. The real question is "Are the people from the desi consulting companies the real qualified lot ? " Just to get my background details out of the way. I am a new member, from India ofcourse, and I have recently applied for my citizenship. Now with this huge deluge of immigrants, especially from the desi consulting companies, I feel that my quality of life is getting adversely impacted. Do not rush to conclusions that I am anti Indian or anti immigrant. 12 years back when I first got my H1 visa, the requirements to qualify were strict. Staffing companies to a decent extent followed rules and tried to get the best and the brightest. Once the dot com boom started, people from all walks of life entered IT. This was true of not just the Indians but also of people in the US. Soon after the bust, the value proposition from these staffing companies was simply low cost. This is not to blame the staffing companies. They behaved in an economically rational way.

    Consider this scenario. If you run a consulting company, wouldn't you try to maximize your profits by staffing people in projects at the least cost ? This is econmically rational. You wouldn't worry much about the quality of the deliverables and all you would care is to dump as many bodies as possible at the client site or offshore and get the maximum bang for the buck.

    In this scenario, how is it feasible to expect immigrational justice when the bodies themselves dont provide exceptional talent and skills but simply offer low cost ? Now you would be tempted to bring in the analogous case of illegal low skilled immigrants. Remember they are just that - low skilled workers. They dont "steal" the jobs of high skilled workers. But this dumping of IT workforce has completely brought down the standard of living of the IT workers here. To be honest, those who get green cards today would feel the same way five years from now when the next wave of so called "skilled IT immigrants" offer even lower wages and destroy the quality of life.

    In summary, this retrogression is good in a way. The truly best and the brightest would still be employed until their turn for adjournment comes in. Only the weak are currently scared of the delays. I went through the same torrid GC phase after the tech meltdown in 2001. I was not worried of my job then but many people whom I knew got clobbered and were forced to leave. This is the darwinian flush and it will take its toll. Trust me this the bitter truth. If you people still consider that all the people on H1/L1 are part of the best and the brightest, they are WRONG. Only a small % (probably 20%) are the true best and the brightest and a good 50% will be flushed out. Sorry to say this and hey give me the red dots.

    Dear Dilip,
    Thank you for your kind words and analysis. But I am sure you will agree to the fact that bad apples are everywhere. You were qualified - good for you! Unfortunately, we are sailing in a boat that has good and not so good people. I can quote examples where I have not only come across dishonest indians but dishonest people from every nationalitly that you know of. I have been in the field for over 13 years (not a techie) and believe me my job puts me infront of all kinds of people. Now coming to the point - we are all here to find a solution to a bigger problem - retrogression and mr. op's decree that we will have to wait for decades before we can see that 485 approval. Well, I disagree and have a gut feeling that something is wrong somewhere. Its not a clear picture. I am optimistic about the fact that if we wish, we can still have people in the government at least look at our case. There is a lot of work to be done and we need help from people like you in doing so. We need intelligent people like you to advice, suggest and generate optimism and not derail us by letting us know that Indians are dishonest, not qualified etc. We all already know that!

    That does not serve our purpose to be here. Thank you for reading my posting.

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  • NKR
    02-16 03:22 PM
    man.. u can click on a user and see all the posts he sent, so good luck
    i must have joined two years and participated in topics all this time so that i today i get a chance to destroy IV.. plz put down the 007 book and listen for once..
    u can't see that people started belittling ROWs here first.. then i admit it's a waste of time to try to reason with u

    You guys see everything wrong with us. If the spouse works, you will say they are taking away your jobs. If they study, you say that they pay instate fees where as you pay international fee. If they do MBA and become your manager, you will say that not only they are getting jobs, now they are bossing over us. If they stay at home, you will find wrong with that too saying that they are not doing anything but are getting all the benefits..

    It does not matter if spouses stay at home and lose years of salaries which translates to more than the international fees that some people pay. It does not matter that we have to face hurdles in each and every step of the way, be it when getting medical insurance or life insurance or while traveling. We have to renew visas every year by paying thousands, we have to renew our licences. We have to go for visa stamping even if we have gone for an emergency visit. We have to remain in the same job without growth, without promotion. Do you know it is not easy for a H4 person to get a credit card to start building credit history?.

    If you have a solution to reduce all of our pain without increasing the waiting time for ROW people say it here cause that is what we need and what USCIS will appreciate. You do not have to bring corruption and all that crap into picture. That can be another discussion. If I have to pay fees to get some things faster then I will call it nothing but organized bribery within legal framework. That is what is happening in countries which you say is less corrupt, but then why do you care, you enjoy your soccer game....


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  • gc4me
    03-27 10:19 AM
    I did some internet search and found this Q&A in
    Cooool...people go ahead with LC Sub.

    Q. I have a pending green card case based on a substituted labor. Do I need to worry about this proposed regulation?
    A. It would not seem to affect pending green cards based on substituted labor, as long as the substitution was not being requested through the DOL. This regulation prohibits substitution through the DOL. So, if it were to go into effect, it is possible that it would end all pending requests for substitution of beneficiaries made to the DOL.
    Most substitution requests are made via the USCIS at the I-140 petition filing stage. This involves labor certifications that have already been approved, and the substitution request is made in the filing of the I-140 petition at the USCIS. The regulation attacks this process by making labor certifications valid for only 45 days. Thus, all I-140s would have to be filed within 45 days of labor certification approval. Even if the regulation were to pass, however, it does not appear that it would have the power to terminate pending I-140s (even if based on LC substitution). If the cases are proper when filed, it does not seem that the regulation would extend to pending USCIS cases since the proposed regulation is a DOL, not a USCIS, regulation. If it were a USCIS regulation, then it could impact pending I-140 cases for which the labor certification is over 45 days old at the time of filing - not just LC substitution cases. Those cases with approved I-140s do not appear to be vulnerable to this proposed regulation.

    How do you now that? Any sources?

    If text of the proposed memo will be the same, then all pending I-140 based on LC substitution should be denied.

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  • venky321
    01-14 07:08 AM
    Page 5 says that if the petitioner is a software developmentt company; where the beneficiary is placed at a client on a long term basis, but using the designs or developing an application of the petitioning company; and the beneficiary reports weekly to a manager of the software development company.

    This might work for large IT companies who develop entire software solutions and who might staff an entire project for a client on a own. But others who are only staffing companies; even if they are large may not be able to show the required control.


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  • Desertfox
    09-23 05:35 PM
    FIRST lets just send out the emails as requested by IV (Yes, this is OFFICIALLY ENDORSED BY IV initiative)
    We will have all the time in the world to discuss the details.

    OK... I support the initiative because it will remove some people ahead of me in line. However, I bought a house last week with 3% downpayment on FHA loan, and now how can I justify writing an email with the draft that urges for GCs only for those who paid 20% downpayment?

    Can you give me some thoughts on this so that I can make my selfish mind to agree on writing this email to congress?

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  • vdlrao
    07-31 05:58 PM

    posted 07-24 09:59 AM

    Ron Gotcher has some thoughts on India E2 movement over the next two months.

    More and more, I see people posting messages containing the unspoken assumption that since the Indian E2 cutoff date has moved forward, it is likely to move forward further in the coming months. This is a false hope.

    Even with a cutoff date in early 2003, the CIS has sufficient inventory of Indian E2 adjustments on file to use up the remaining inventory of E2 visas for this fiscal year. The reason that the Visa Office advanced the priority date is to move it up to the point where overseas consular posts can take up the slack left by the CIS's inability to close out enough cases and avoid wasting visas this year.

    The CIS inventory of pending cases is massive. If there were no quota at all - if everyone were suddenly "current" - and no new cases were filed after today, it would still take the CIS four to five years to close out all of the pending cases that they already have in their inventory.

    Overseas consular posts maintain inventories of cases as well. When the priority date for a particular case starts to edge forward and it appears that the applicant may become "current' in the not too distant future, the applicant is told to submit all required supporting documents to the post or the NVC. When this is done, the applicant is reported to the Visa Office as being "documentarily qualified." This means that the case is in a position where an immigrant visa can be issued to the applicant as soon as a visa number becomes available.

    The inventory of documentarily qualified cases with current priority dates at a consular post never exceeds that post's ability to process all such cases within sixty days. Consular posts have very high bandwidth processing capabilities. No matter how many cases become current, they are able to process all of them within sixty days.

    The reason that the Indian E2 cutoff date has moved forward is that the Visa Office fears that the CIS will not be able to adjudicate enough adjustment of status applications to exhaust the annual quota. They have advanced the cutoff date in order to make more cases overseas eligible for final processing.

    This means that overseas consular posts have exhausted their inventories of Indian E2 cases with priority dates earlier than 2006 and the Visa Office had to move the cutoff date forward in order to make more cases eligible to be closed out.

    This does not mean that the CIS has closed out all of the pre-2006 cases pending in their inventory. Far from it. When the new fiscal year starts, Indian E2 is likely to retrogress back to late 2002 or early 2003. This is roughly the point reached by the CIS in processing their inventory of pending cases.

    Please understand that this is a temporary phenomenon and due entirely to the difference in the processing capabilities of the CIS and the overseas consular posts.

    I hope this clarifies matters.

    Ron Gotcher

    I dont agree with his post except that "EB2 will retrogress in the coming months". EB2 may retrogress in the coming bulletins as part of the adjustment of demand VS available visa numbers. But the retrogression will be very mild and it would be there very short span of time. After that the cut off date will run like to catch up the current. In Ron's post he has no where mentioned about the horizontal spill overs. May be he might have been talking with DOS officials once in a while. But he is not predicting the EB2 movement properly on a whole.

    And besides that our core team has started a call campaign on HR5882 bill. Please participate in that. We have a dedicated IV core team for our Immigration Issues. If this bill passes it will give a great relief for our EB3 friends who are already waiting for years. Hope this bill will pass.


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  • ryan
    08-18 10:44 PM
    I'm not from India, so you know how non-Indian will look at this issue..

    And it goes on and on for 66 mins or 2 hrs until he finally realize that he's a nobody in US.

    This is the kinda thread that non-Indian will laugh at. There's lots of non-Indian that goes to this public forum (such as me). Just trying to help IV to not lose credential just because of this sorts of "indian" exclusive thread.

    I agree / hear you. The post is laughable, nevertheless if you read through the comments, you'd see being 'Indian' does not equate to having similar views. I think the majority of Indian folks who leave their homes / loved ones to make a living have more intelligence and substance to them than the bozos in 'bollywood' - a national and an international embarrassment. Admins, please consider removing this post.

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  • smuggymba
    01-18 11:31 AM
    Probably you are your relatives did these kinds of stuff. Most of us on this forum didn't.

    When did you get your GC ?

    A genuine mistake can be corrected using nunc-pro-tunc method. I used to work for a big Indian IT major and they forgot to file my wife's H4 and when I moved to a big 4 firm..they filed nunc-pro-tunc. According to you definition, if any company makes a mistake, we are illegal. LOL.


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  • rpat1968
    07-04 10:23 AM
    I think we should contact DHS and all government agencies about the USCIS-DOS scam -
    (their Mission Statement - To serve as an independent and objective inspection, audit, and investigative body to promote effectiveness, efficiency, and economy in the Department of Homeland Security's programs and operations, and to prevent and detect fraud, abuse, mismanagement, and waste in such programs and operations. )

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  • ebizash
    07-29 05:50 PM
    Any other funny stories.

    Seems like you are having lot of fun reading this thread!! You should pay some sort of entertainment tax to IV for this. :D :D

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  • nixstor
    09-23 02:31 AM
    I have sent close to 10 emails putting subject

    "Proposal to alleviate current US economic crisis"

    I hope I am doing right..

    Housing/economic crisis rather than economic crisis

    Please send emails from your own emails so that we can know what staff members and their bosses think.

    02-14 02:50 PM
    Let USA take a statistics of the current population and then decide which category of countries need more or less immigration to balance true diversity.

    08-02 03:46 PM
    How does one check the comments left along with red and green dots?

    I guess PM, correct me guys if I'm wrong

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