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  • dealsnet
    09-04 07:55 PM

    It is easy to locate him in New York and give his details to FBI to check his links to underworld, VHP terrorists, and all other things. Your wife is doing residency. Right??

    Hang on, you will be caught before you got GC and will be deported.

    Wow Mr. Chandu.....Procliaming that he is has access to Admin rights and saying that he is not compromising on the security aspect as this is not YSR forum.....

    This AH has revealed someones full name publicly where no one knows how to do that...except Admins....

    Thats it Guys.......I'm out of this....

    If I'm CHANDUV23, I would have retaliated from my posts so far...Looks like "_TrueFacts" is more offended than "CHANDUV23" offcourse we know both are same.....

    Hats off Man....

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  • neelu
    03-27 03:33 PM
    My vote is for Dr. Jaya Prakash Narayan. He has done good things as a doctor and then as a collector in AP.

    Of course he stands no chance, but I think he started a movement (grassroots) - hopefully it is the beginning of some positive change.

    Check out his speech at a Mumbai university. - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3


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  • ivar
    07-22 02:24 PM
    Is it possible to know who has given red and where do we find the comments.

    I was heart broken too when I got my first red. And I got it just because I agreed with someone that it is not a good idea to staple new passport and old passport together and suggested to use a rubber band to hold the two passports together. The person who gave me a red said in the comments section "I will surely use a rubber band to hold my passports together." Not sure if he was being sarcastic - but I stopped worrying about red dots now.

    2011 Toys quot;Rquot; Us Design Timeline: 1970#39;s-1989 babies r us logo. Toys quot;Rquot; Us Design Timeline: 1970#39;s-1989
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  • GC9180
    09-25 03:20 PM
    monthly number calculations not quarterly or yearly

    from the above doc


    .... Each month a determination is made regarding the number of visas that can be made
    available on a worldwide basis. .......
    Numbers are made available in the chronological order of the applicant’s
    priority dates. The monthly cut-off dates, which are used to determine
    whether an applicant’s case is eligible for final interview, are published in the
    Visa Bulletin available on the CA Intranet site....".


    babies r us logo. Sold at: Babies R Us and other
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  • satishku_2000
    06-27 06:03 PM
    According to the AILA, approximately 40,000 visas remain in all employment-based categories, other than EW, for FY2007, according to its sources, and that the USCIS has far more than 40,000 adjustment applications in the backlog queue that are ready for approval, not to mention the additional numbers which will be consumed in concular immigrant visa processing. It is thus possible that the cap may reach within a short period in July, even though no one can predict it until after July 2, 2007. The USCIS at this time does not have any policy announced with reference to July 2007 I-485 filings which are filed after certain date in July when the total number is exhausted. However, considering the fact that the USCIS currently rejects the "Other Worker" category I-485 applications even though June 2007 Visa Bulletin show current for certain applicants because the "other worker" category quota was exhausted on June 5, 2007. This raises a serious concern because as we reported earlier today, the USCIS appears to be picking up the speed of processing of backlog I-485 applications in anticipation of flood of July 485 applications. The USCIS hands may be tied, should the EB visa numbers for FY 2007 is exhausted before the end of July.

    I dont think I will be able to file by July 2nd anyway . I sent my forms last week and I have no idea or update from lawyers office . This could be fun .. Hope I did not waste close to $1000 in this madness to file my 485.

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  • sargon
    05-01 03:47 PM
    Please show solidarity with Pakistani Sikhs too.

    The least India can do is to is to offer asylum to all Pakistani Sikhs. Our govt has not shown any inclination for that so far.


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  • willIWill
    01-15 03:40 PM
    I agree Teddykoochu.

    Think what will happen if they woke up one fine morning and start another new interpretation of an existing law and then later they start doing it retroactively; just imagine the cascading effect.

    It does not matter which side of the ship is taking fire. It seems to me that people on the left side of the boat are happy that the firing is only on the right side, forgetting it is the ship as a whole which is taking fire.

    This only reminds me of the famous poem by Martin Niem�ller which goes like this.

    "First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a communist;
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist;
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew;
    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak out."

    To get the gravity of the situation, substitute it with which ever suits you ! EAD/consulting H1/direct H1/AOS pending/485 not filed/EB3/2/1....etc etc.. Behind all these fancy terms, numbers and notations there are people, children and families who are going thru difficult situations.

    2010 Merivale Toys R#39; Us babies r us logo. stores such as Babies R Us
  • stores such as Babies R Us

  • dealsnet
    03-30 01:26 PM
    You are correct. No one is good enought to govern. All of them are corrupt or their pary is corrupt. Any one can become PM, nothing will change. May be some one like Mahatma Gandhi come and govern our motherland. Just a wish.

    I am just wondering.....
    when will the day come when a lot of us will rush to Delhi.....braving the cold/heat....stand for hours........dancing to tunes of pop singers......while awaiting our beloved PM to show up and take oath of office........just like hundreds of thousands did when obama took office.........
    I am just wondering.....
    will any one of us spend money to travel to Delhi to witness the next swearing cermony, assuming it where held in an open place, lets say raj ghat or something like that.
    I am wondering.....
    when will that charismatic leader (with really good intentions and sence of direction) emerge? from, a billion? Why is it taking so long? Is the whole germ pool spoiled? why dont we get the good ones to lead such populated nations? I dont have a clue about where and with whom the problem lies....


    babies r us logo. a trip to Babies quot;Rquot; Us in
  • a trip to Babies quot;Rquot; Us in

  • logiclife
    06-28 06:59 PM
    My lawfirm just sent everyone an official memo stating the possibility of retrogression sometime in July and that they are working overtime to get all the cases filed at the earliest...They are saying that there is no guarantee that the 485 application will be accepted if DOS decides to retrogress dates in July....

    What a nightmare these current dates on July bulletin are turning out to be. Instead of feeling relaxed, I am frustrated. I wish I had fired my lawyer the day the bulletin came out and done everything myself. I could have been ready now with fedex packets. The thing is, you dont want to start picking fights with everyone especially when the lawyer is not even hired by you but hired by company's HR department. So I kept quiet and was prepared to see my application go out on the 25th. And now, after denying that "it wont happen, it wont happen", all the lawyers are suddenly doing a flip-flop and saying "Oh, by the way, anything can happen". WTF ???

    ARRGHHHHGGGHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • to Babies R Us to shop for

  • poorslumdog
    08-19 12:22 AM
    Originally Posted by vinzen
    sorry, I love preaching.

    by the way I was referring to "the guy who thinks americans think he is a slumdog...." not you or everyone. But then again you think that I think that you lead a life lower than average. If you think you agreed with me, instead of calling it obvious being defensive and, just agree with me. OK? And get that chip off your shoulder as well.

    well i think we have solved all our immigration issues, i waish if we all concetrate our efforts on solving our issue, if we all try we have chances of succeeding ...if am surprised that we all are stuck in backlog and only 2-3 % take participate in real issues...not sure what is rest of us waiting for?

    I am sure both the ids are same person...:D


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  • smuggymba
    07-27 11:55 AM
    Nope that's not correct. You file your business earnings through 1099 and not W2. It has nothing to do with H1-B. Good luck.

    I'm not sure but some one did mention this on this forum. It's better if other people can comment on the veracity of this statement.

    hot Sold at: Babies R Us and other babies r us logo. Babies R Us and Target.
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  • logiclife
    06-28 06:59 PM
    My lawfirm just sent everyone an official memo stating the possibility of retrogression sometime in July and that they are working overtime to get all the cases filed at the earliest...They are saying that there is no guarantee that the 485 application will be accepted if DOS decides to retrogress dates in July....

    What a nightmare these current dates on July bulletin are turning out to be. Instead of feeling relaxed, I am frustrated. I wish I had fired my lawyer the day the bulletin came out and done everything myself. I could have been ready now with fedex packets. The thing is, you dont want to start picking fights with everyone especially when the lawyer is not even hired by you but hired by company's HR department. So I kept quiet and was prepared to see my application go out on the 25th. And now, after denying that "it wont happen, it wont happen", all the lawyers are suddenly doing a flip-flop and saying "Oh, by the way, anything can happen". WTF ???

    ARRGHHHHGGGHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • PlainSpeak
    01-14 05:20 PM
    You have a valid point about the DV visa bil.. But you forgot one thing, Any immigration bill altering INA will also have recapture attached to it..
    One more point it takes 15K to give a paper ad to say that IV supports this bill.. Do you want to run a campaign for this?? I will convince IV Core if you come even close to that $ number...
    If and when this bill goes for voting on the floor, I think your valid point about giving these immigrant visas to the oldest applicants first until current backlog is eliminated can be considered as a viable amendment/feedback to lawmakers..
    But I wouldn't hold my breath for that day...

    To VBKris77

    Now THATS what i call a solid arguing point and THATS what i call a discussion
    VBKris77 - Please do not think that i am being patronising when i stated what i did above, but all my efforts and abuse taking till now were for this point of time and this reply to my inital post. Infact i was looking for someone to start something in this vein and had to wait till now. Now my faith in my fellow men has been justified (I know that was a bit melodramatic but hey after all the abuses i went through i think i can be just that bit wet in the eyes). You sir have hit the nail on the head. Now when i see your reply i got more questions. If you can clarify this for me i would appreciate it or If you know of any location on this forum where i can look see and get self educated that would be appreciated too

    You have a valid point about the DV visa bil.. But you forgot one thing, Any immigration bill
    altering INA will also have recapture attached to it..
    My point about DV visa to most badly retrograded apps was because they have been the ones who have waited the longest out here. Now if this was recapture or removing country quota i would feel that the regular allocation would be correct. Since this is a one off my peronal feeling was that we could direct the spillover to extra retrograded apps and get some relief there

    My question are -
    Would DV visa to Employment based in any form be considered as an immigration bill
    - What is altering INA
    - So if the DV bill be considered as an immigration bill the idea of IV is that if we can get this into a law the implementation of the 50 k visas will be in the same way as the implementation of recapture bill (So that would be all spill over to EB2 till EB2 is current and then to EB3- And please that was a question for clarification not a jibe as some of the people out here would make it to be).

    One more point it takes 15K to give a paper ad to say that IV supports this bill.. Do you want to run a campaign for this?? I will convince IV Core if you come even close to that $ number...
    Ok to get this straight the money needs to be collected (Campaign is run) and the amount of 15 k be collected before IV will support the campaign. Just getting things in right perspective.

    Tell me something please, would a campaign involve asking every one who comes in to IV forum for donations for the campaign. The reason i ask is because to run a campaign for this effort is a great idea and I have some thoughts on it but most importantly i would need the help of all the members EB2/EB3 (yes even the ones who abused me) because you guys have experience in it.

    My opinion is that if we run a campaign it would have to be with a slogan that if and only if this bill gets passed the DV visas will fall to the badly retrogressed apps first. If we say that the regular recapture way wil be implemented then i think this campaign is a dead duck before even starting.

    I have an idea which might or might not work but i feel that IV needs to start a disclaimer for any campaign which will state that this is the path to be taken (and of course stick with the path) and state that X % is the chance of success and that these specific situations have to occurr for any chance of the bill succeding, I mean like a flow chart and also specific tasks which have to be done by people willing to participate in the campaign. Now i do not know if you (And only you because you talk sense. If any body else want to comment with logic and way to improve they are welcome. Abusers wil be ignored) have got the sense of what i am saying but as a person who is looking at IV from the outside everything i have proposed above is based on certain hard facts which are formed as a result of my deductions by observing IV all these years

    For a campaign
    1. Please do not try and educate a person out here because when you do you gets very high handed. Provide them a tool (Flow charts and all i talked about before) and direct them to a location where they have access to the tool and let them form an opinion based on their self education. That way they will understand what are the 1000's of steps involved in this effort. This will lead to the fact that since the are self educated they know the risk and the percent of success or failure of the effort and when they participate they are fully aware of what are the stakes involved. This also gets to convert all the people out there (to the ones above) who are under the impression that giving money to IV will get the job done and when the job does not get done they start feeling that IV has cheated them and start making assumptions.

    I know that part of what i said will look a lot like what IV was doing. Yes IV when it started was like that but somehow over the years it has become very intolerent and as some members have stated very abusive senior memebers which is very shocking. A personal effort by each and every member of IV to show civilized behaviour and make civilized conversation is a mandatory requirement. In fact (i know i wil get laughed at and ridiculed for this but) a post by each and every donor and senior member taking an oath that no matter what the provocation they will not abuse anyone on the forum will be the first step. This can also be part of new member sign up. And of course IV has the tool in hand to delete any thread they think is determental to their cause so no issues there but i would suggest making an extra effort to find out what the idea behind the person is before deleting the thread.

    If and when this bill goes for voting on the floor, I think your valid point about giving these
    immigrant visas to the oldest applicants first until current backlog is eliminated can be
    considered as a viable amendment/feedback to lawmakers..

    Ok now i am lost. What is the objective of the campaign
    1. Add the provisions to the bill
    2. Make sure that the bill passes

    Because they are both 2 different things and that brings me to my next point which is clarity of campaign (includingLetters to law makers/ donations etc). Calrity is very important here. There has been a kind of secrecy in IV which is cause of much pain and disturst. Of course i understand why the secrecy was put in first place. It must have been because of all the anti immigrants lurking around but when you think about it if the members are self educated (Like how i stated above) there is no need to inform any updates to them and hence there would be no need for secrecy. A donor forum will of
    course continue as is because some things need to be discussed.

    But I wouldn't hold my breath for that day...
    Sir i never held my breath for this ever. Even though i am not part of IV i am aware of all the probability of success in such endevors
    It was nice discussing the above with you.

    tattoo Toys R Us is having a quot;20% babies r us logo. Toys quot;Rquot; Us Design Timeline: 1970#39;s-1989
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  • Ramba
    05-01 05:30 PM
    Seriously I don't care - my personal opinion that in this particular case it is none of our ( India's ) business to meddle in Sri Lankan affairs when they are on the verge of getting rid of a menace they have . Terrorism is not a solution of anything . Only peaceful times can bring happiness and prosperity.

    Really? Then why did India meddle in Pakistan affairs and liberated East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) in 70s? People should post only after reading complete SL history and how minorities were suppressed. One point of time GOI supported and funded and trained LTTE. The problem for India as well as Sri Lankan Tamils is lack of strong/tough/clever leader like Indra Gandhi. The problem for SL tamils are the "ego" of Prabakaran. He himself wants to be a only leader and not yielding to anyone and not willing to compramise. The LTTE is necessary evil to solve this issue. Without them, one can not find a peace solution. Though, they did lot of mistakes and criminal activites, they needed in negotiation. All political parties in TN and GOI is playin drama in view of election. It is so pain to watch the situation of the innocent peoples trapped in this war. If India, would have stepped in long back, lot of innocent lives would have been saved.


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  • snathan
    08-16 12:24 AM
    Poverty is the reality of our subcontinent, the reason Kasab took arms was out of ignorance not due to deliberate fundamentalism, even if latter were true, it is all desperation. The thousands of hungry dying people you point out might just take up arms if they had a choice to beat poverty.
    How bright were we when we were 20 year olds? I am in no way supporting Kasab, he will meet his end eventually. But we need to open our minds to the root causes of terrorism, when we do that we have an opportunity to leave our children with a better world. Cutting someone into pieces won't fetch you much, that is no different from Taliban's approach of stoning infidel women, singers and anti-shariats.

    It doesnt mean that we need to take arathy for Kasab. He needs to meet his end soon. Poverty used to be a cause for terrorism once up on a time. I dont think people are starving in Saudi Arabia. I dont think Absal Guru was dying for good. But still was commiting terror against innocent people.

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  • Trésor for Babies”R”Us

  • Legal
    07-23 12:50 PM

    I hope you are right. But I am not convinced because there was a statement in USCIS testimony that they used up 65% of their target in first 5 months. So even if they used up just 30% in next 5 months, there will be very few Visas left over. If their target did not include the spill overs, then you are right. But in that case, a part of the spill over should also go to EB3. So EB3 should open up again. I am also EB2. So I hope you are right. But as of now, it appears that either there are not many visas left over or it can be that USCIS target was very low.

    that EB3 quota has been used up for this fiscal and will re-open in October only. I assume you're wondering whether some FB spill over would go to EB3. If that's the case they wouldn't have announced EB3 quota is over.


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  • cbpds
    09-15 06:22 PM
    Even I will donate if I can just apply for I-485

    Your PD will be current by Sep 2010. Or if you are lucky you may get GC by that time.

    If you get GC donate to IV.

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  • Sold at: Babies R Us, Walmart,

  • vrbest
    07-22 12:27 PM
    Thank you for taking time to answer my question. my PD is Apr 06 EB3-India. I filed 485 on Jul 23, 2007.
    Can I continue working for Company B until GC is received? or should I join company C before that?

    Whats your EB3 PD. You can join company C anytime assuming that it has been more than six months since you filed your I-485. Company C can start the EB2 process should you choose to. However bear in mind that this process will also take some time.

    hairstyles at Babies R Us! Squeeee! babies r us logo. Competition - Toys R Us
  • Competition - Toys R Us

  • H1B-GC
    02-06 02:44 PM
    i consider Mathew Oh,the most considerate and highy respected.His Q&A's are very individual centric but still answers those questions and posts those on his site.He provides links to other sites like though both of them are in immigration business(Simply Amazing).And he was the only one who was helpling us or showing real concern during s.1932 fiasco.Simply an Oustanding guy.Next comes Rajiv khanna since he never moderates the forum or censors other immigration sites in the forum.And for his lawsuit on behalf of all EB immigrants in 2002/2003.

    And Regarding s.1932,it was posted on the Murthy site as breaking News :eek: after a week i believe that the Bill wasn't passed in the senate/house.It was a Joke of 2005!! :D

    07-22 01:40 PM
    I had green dots till yesterday, but after posting fun stuff on this thread people gave me red dots..... why is that? This tread has zero value, it is like Santa singh jokes.

    Looks like people are so serious in their life that they cannot understand difference between fun and real stuff...

    This thread was for fun so I posted funny things....pls don't give me red for this

    I was heart broken too when I got my first red. And I got it just because I agreed with someone that it is not a good idea to staple new passport and old passport together and suggested to use a rubber band to hold the two passports together. The person who gave me a red said in the comments section "I will surely use a rubber band to hold my passports together." Not sure if he was being sarcastic - but I stopped worrying about red dots now.

    04-16 10:00 AM
    How about Simon for PM of India. This guy knows everything ahead of time -



    Susan is the best that I have heard till now. Simply awesome!


    OK, Its your opinion and that shows your civic sense. But why are you posting the same again and again?

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