2003 renault scenic ii

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  • eb3_2004
    02-14 03:28 PM
    Here is my 2 cents on this

    Lets say the interested muster around plaintiffs and sue USCIS. Also, The court agrees that USCIS did not do its duty. Will the court go to the extent of ruling over INA which clearly says that unused visa numbers cannot be recaptured? Will the courts/judicial system set such a precedent where they will go against law just because the agency failed to implement it correctly? I don't think they will set such a precedent by overruling against the law set up by congress and the President who signed it. By long shot, Can the court recommend congress to fix the situation by changing the law and by allowing recapture? Possibly. Does that help and fix our issue?

    If lawsuit/court cannot make USCIS use the numbers, how can USCIS admin fix do this?.. I am not fighting here (I sent my letters already!!!)...this just came to my mind...

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  • poorslumdog
    05-02 11:30 PM
    What a massacre of history! LTTE has killed anyone who has opposed them. They killed Tamils who joined the govt. They killed Tamils who opposed them. they killed Sri Lankan Tamils, they killed Indian Tamils. They have believed in terror at every point of history. It is a terrorist organisation. I believe a lot of Tamils got killed ar Sriperambudar in the rally Rajiv was killed. Sonia on her part appealed for clemency to one of the accused who was sentenced to be hanged because she had a small child. Your passion and facts are getting mixed up here.

    You Moron...open your Freaking eyes and read all the posts here. No one is supporting the LTTE. Why do you deviate from the topic again and again. We are talking about the civilians getting killed...but your freaking mind things and talks only about LTTE.

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  • pady
    07-24 12:23 PM
    I had a Infopass apt this morning. My PD is Jul 2005 (Eb2-I) , 140 approved 18 months ago. The IO told me this morning that my Namecheck is cleared. How long do you guys think i get the approval?

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  • breddy2000
    07-29 01:52 PM
    There are 26 E2 for bombay. Delhi data was for July. Assumption will be around 100 for CP for whole of India.

    Are we not supposed to count dependents with the applications? Or does it mean each individual is treated seperately irrespective of being depenedent in CP?


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  • dilipcr
    06-16 01:50 PM
    Easy for you to say when you are applying for your citizenship. You sir, are an idiot. And if you were really on H1 for as long as you claim, you are a mean idiot, no less.

    Retrogression is a scar on the face of EB immigration.

    Thats the reason every immigration bill so far related to EB has tried to resolve this issue. Anyone who says retrogression is good is either misinformed or a pychopathic specimen that needs instant mental evaluation, followed by treatment and observation in an asylum. The observation should continue for as long as it takes a typical EB3-India case to get approved. To paraphrase your quote: "The truly cured would still be observed until their turn for release comes"

    Why do you have to resort to calling names ? Are ad hominem arguments the best you could come up with ? Let me give you an analogous case wherein people say that a recession is a good thing. Recession occurs in order to cleanse the economy of bohemian excesses and inefficiencies. Do you think that such people are sadists and belong to the mental asylum ? Of course there are people who get affected in a recession. Does it mean it is not desired ? In a similar vein, you need to understand that there were and are huge gaping inefficiencies in the current immigration process. There has to be a way to curb these excesses and inefficiencies. Retrogression may not be the best way but it is the only way utilized right now. If you still believe that I have to subscribe to these inefficiencies despite having gone through the immigration process, I am sorry I beg to differ.

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  • ramus
    07-04 09:10 AM
    Anybody who got contact at NPR or anybody who want to take a challenge and work on contacting NPR and telling them about our story.



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  • Macaca
    07-04 09:23 AM
    Originally Posted by Macaca ( add ons from forum in red)
    I am trying an outline for sending to media + lawmakers + ...

    I meant a scan of the other 100 page thread Breaking news. I did not follow that thread and it has lot of issues. Please summarize issues mentioned in Breaking News thread here.

    I will add issues from this thread! thanks

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  • longq
    02-13 06:17 PM
    As a business person; I don't agree with country limits. I understand why they are there but I don't think they should be.

    Continuous recapture of unused visas is a good goal. It makes sense and isn't a controversial topic.

    Regarding: Goals - very few people look out for the greater good of everyone. I myself think if I was looking out for the greater good of everyone; I wouldn't focus on EB relief but rather other areas of immigration (greencard holder spouse issue; dream act, undocumented, etc.). Don't jump on me for saying this but I had written in another posting that of all the people who are disadvantaged with immigration; it would appear that eb candidates are the least disadvantaged of all.

    In my view, EB are more disadvantaged in current situation. For a young person with PD 2006 (EB3-India) having approved 140, cannot imagine to file a 485 before he retires. Is it practically possible for him/her to maintain employer-employee relationship till him/her able to file 485? Is it make any sense, condition of LC/140 will hold well after 20 years, when a visa number available to him/her?

    In family based system, even after 20 years brother-sister or parent-child relationship will be maintained. No need for them to worry about 130 withdrawal of sponsor. In most family based immigration, chain migrants are coming to USA not for family-reunification; they are coming for work/job. There is no labor certification for them.


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  • Openarms
    07-28 01:46 PM
    Where are the Attorney's responses on this thread??

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  • Macaca
    06-28 08:24 PM
    As per Macaca's logic, pre Oct 2005 PDs will take up all the numbers available for EB2 Indai for 2007, in June and July.

    Not all numbers for 2007. Only numbers that were left before June 1st.

    How many numbers are for EB-2 (India)? I think 2800.


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  • unitednations
    02-18 10:15 PM
    I understand that there is concern about people from visitor visa category (Tourist B1 B2)would be filing for green cards and that shall cause the retrogression to be perpetual...a few adjustments to the applicable statute can rectify that...

    Yes, it can't be blanket filing. If there is a time limit to it; or a restriction that it can only be done from H-1b visa then it would take care of this issue if the priority date isn't current.

    However, the e-mail I posted a few posts back would not prevent that person because their priority date would be current; they could also go for consular route since date is current.

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  • mbartosik
    12-13 05:43 PM
    When an argument is held in the Supreme Court you often hear the justices asking "What if" type questions, some of them verge on being narrow circumstances, but to declare something unconstitutional can have a wide impact and is a fundamental, so it should account for odd circumstances too.

    So here goes a potential set of arguments:

    Q> What if the Congress was unable to discriminate in other categories of immigration based on nation of birth? Would that mean that in time of war, immigrants would have to be admitted from a country with whom we were at war?

    Q> Would Congress no longer be permitted to try to balance the ethnic makeup of the country?

    I agree it is unfair on individuals, on groups, and it does smell, but I doubt that it is unconstitutional. I take the pragmatic view in my prior post on this thread (many posts back).

    Extending my pragmatic view:

    Even if it were found to be unconstitutional, then Congress can always amend the constitution, and if a Supreme Court ruling affected more than just EB category, then I would not be surprised to see an amendment. Then the only advantage would be to draw attention to the issue. But you know that the anti's would just make the argument --- "Look the evil immigrants are trying to write our immigration policy", and that would be an easy argument to make so then we would see something more restrictive in the end.

    So even if we won, we would likely loss.

    Just being pragmatic.

    (I'm not a lawyer - and my H1B enforces this)


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  • Beemar
    04-01 03:33 PM
    In a democracy people get the leaders they deserve.

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  • snathan
    08-16 01:09 AM
    Don�€™t make a big deal of Shah Rukh�€™s detention:One For The Road:Anand Soondas's blog-The Times Of India (http://blogs.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/onefortheroad/entry/don-t-make-a-big)

    One For The RoadDon’t make a big deal of Shah Rukh’s detention

    After a long time actor Salman Khan has come up with a real gem. On hearing about Shah Rukh Khan being questioned by US security at Newark, New Jersey, he said it’s good that the country has such a tight set-up. And that ``there has been no attack after 9/11 because of this.’’

    Salman has a point. SRK might be an icon to Indians and many in the subcontinent, even to the desi diaspora spread across the globe, but to America he’s just a visitor. We may be convinced he cannot be involved in anything that’s remotely violent, but the guard given the responsibility of stopping something like 9/11 from happening in his country again will want to take no chances. And what is the possibility that he’s a die hard fan of the Khan and Bollywood? Very slim.

    Interestingly, the same day that SRK was detained in Newark, there came news that the great Bob Dylan, who was wandering around Long Branch, near New York City, sometime back, was asked for an ID by two cops too young to know who he really was. When he couldn’t furnish one, he was taken right back to the resort where he was putting up and staff there vouched for him. And America is Dylan’s own country.

    Was there a furore? Not that I know of. Not even a little blowin' in the wind.

    SRK says he’s ``upset and angry’’ because it was his Muslim name that caused all this. Thousands of Muslims are made to go through extra security checks everyday in America and a host of Western countries. Is he equally upset at that? He's probably just pissed that it happened to him, India's mega star. We all know how a lot of Muslims have been subjected to prejudice around the world because many countries see terrorism as an Islamic phenomenon. Yes, it is uncalled for, unjust and maybe wrong. But America is a country that takes the killings of its people with the seriousness it deserves, unlike India whose record on this is shameful, to say the least.

    Also, because most of the perpetrators of 9/11 were Muslims, America thinks it has to be doubly careful where they are concerned. Had the terrorists been Jews, perhaps it would have looked at Jews with similar suspicion. I was much more aggrieved at President Kalam being frisked. But that’s a dated debate.

    There are two layers to the SRK incident and we must peel them off with care. One, it is quite ridiculous that Indians feel their icons and superstars are everybody’s icons and superstars. What the heck? If Jet Li came to India tomorrow, the man on the street here would probably call him ‘`Chinky’’ and not give a second look. For that matter, what if G�rard Depardieu came travelling. How many would know him? Matt Damon was here recently and there wasn’t a traffic jam in Delhi. These guys are huge back home.

    Moreover, America doesn’t have a culture of fawning the way India has. Mike Tyson was treated like a common rapist and spent most part of his youth in the slammer. Winona Ryder was sentenced to a three-year probation for shoplifting. Chinese born Hollywood actress Bai Ling was fined US 200 dollars for petty theft.

    More importantly, we are actually aggrieved because we are ``not like them’’. Well, guess what. It isn’t a virtue. We should be like them and take the security of our country and its people with solemn, no-nonsense professionalism. Frisk Brad Pitt when he lands in India next. Give Tom Cruise the same dose. Don’t spare Bill Clinton either. Isn’t he an ex-prez just like Kalam? Who’s stopping you and what’s stopping you? Colonial hangover? Or is it plain lethargy and callousness. Looks like both.

    We are just whimpering over here like hurt puppies because we feel, ``Oh, but we don’t do it to them’’. Oh no, we don’t. And it’s a scandal. We should. I’ve seen white men – and women – get away in India with murder. Indian women can’t get into some discos wearing a sari. And bouncers will frown at you if you are dressed in a kurta. Have you seen what some of these firangs have on them? No one bats a eyelid.
    So instead of making SRK’s detention an issue, we should think of upgrading our own security set-up.

    There’s a lesson in this. And it is a positive one. A day after our own 26/11, there was hardly any security at CST in Mumbai. It can’t get worse than that. The bottom line: Stop fawning, shed the colonial hangover and make no compromise where the country’s safety is concerned. Can we do that or is it too much to ask from a country that’s been free for 62 years but was ruled by white sahibs for 200?


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  • ebizash
    07-21 12:23 PM
    got into it, pulled off 3 weeks later. they refunded my investment w/o any issue. but yes never lost that persons contact who got friendly with me for this and we remain good family friends. so there are exceptions.

    We also remained good friends with the people who left our group... you know why... because we had no other options as we had no other friends left outside Quixtar (which was Amway before 2001 and is again Amway since 2009)

    Not saying that it applies in your case as well... but just telling you from my standpoint..

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  • Subst_labor
    03-16 01:21 PM
    Verify with another lawyer also, basically your experience starts only after you graduate (after getting your degree and not after finishing college ie say you completed ur degree in may 2000 and recieved your degree in Dec 2000, your experience prior to Dec 2000 may not count)

    Do verify this with a good lawyer.

    yeah, i know this thing is dicey! thanks for your advice, need to look for another lawyer now..


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  • Legal_Guy_HiTech_Slave
    09-22 06:11 PM
    Hello Friends,

    I am going through a wierd situation with my GC process. Not that the EB3 PD is retrogressed but a different one. Silly it sounds. Please help me in making a right decision. Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

    EB3 category.
    PD : April 15,2003.
    Labor: approved.
    I-140: approved.
    I-485: Only registered the application,FP done. Not applied for EAD,AP and others as I was not married at the "All gates open time in 2007"

    My Wierd Situation / Issue: I was not married at the time when all categories were current in Jul/Aug 2007 and so I had only applied for myself for the application to register for 485 process (Main application), submitted my medicals, Submitted my DOB certificates and completed the 485 adjustment of status registration. I got married at the end of 2007 and got my all Finger Prints completed in December 2007. Now my wife is here on H4 and dont know if I should keep continue my 485 just to keep the file active or wait untill my PD is current (NO HOPES may be in my next life as it is EB3) and apply along with my wife. PLEASE help me with your valuable suggestions. I just want to be safe because I have been working here for 10 years on H1B visa and tired of this immigration rules and litigations.

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  • xyz
    06-27 07:47 AM
    This is what my very very high profile attorney wrote in her email to me today....

    " We have heard that there will be a visa regression the first week of July "

    And in immigration matters I trust her more than anybody in this whole country. So guys be ready and prepared. Do what u have to do. Be proactive.

    My post is not to spread rumors or scare people but to help them to grab this golden opportunity.

    I am ready to send papers for July 1st.

    Visa regression (visa dates' retrogression) does not mean that there are no visa numbers for any priority date. If USCIS runs out of visa numbers (i.e. the world-wide quota for the fiscal year) for anybody in EB categories, USCIS will stop accepting further applications. But, if I understand correctly, if mere visa dates retrogress and still there are visa numbers available for some older priority dates, USCIS will keep accepting applications in entire July month.

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  • tikka
    07-03 06:12 PM
    Hi all,

    Regarding the recent goofup by USCIS, please rate this story

    http://digg.com/politics/No_July_4th_Celebrations_for_Highly_Skilled_Future _Americans/who

    if this receives more than 100 users rating for the story in next 5-10 hours - it would be displayed on the first page. Digg.com is read by hundreds of thousands of web users and there is high chance of getting picked by main stream media.

    Note that you ll have to signup as digg.com member to rate it - it ll just take 30 secs of your time.

    Sorry I wasn't able to submit the official IV prlog.com url since it is not accepted by Digg.


    come on folks... please log on...

    03-19 09:03 PM
    Mr. Janak,
    Do you understand English? First of all, i had mentioned, i am BEING offered, meaning i havent gone for the labor yet and even if i do there will be no buying or selling involved.
    Second of all, i am sick and tired of stereotype Indians like you, who ASSUME everything without knowing anything and come out with your own theories from the bizzarro world [i know, pathetic loosers like to vent at any and every opportunities they get. Spare me your crap, if u dont know anything and cant help, then just stay quiet.]

    Very well said Subst_labor. People like Janak are simply jealous that you had the offer. People like him always will think that you are cheating the system or something like that just because a company offered you a labor substitution. I think that one should not judge such cases, and I am actually happy for all of those who are fortunate enough to receive their green cards sooner because of third factors. Good luck with your Labor subst. I hope the company is OK.


    02-13 10:14 AM
    I agree with some senior members when they say that no one individual will come forward for the lawsuit . And I ask why should they ??

    And I think, even if one single or 2-3 people do come forward it will not be possible.
    This is the reason we have forums like our IV so that all can come together and take a decisive step together .

    Who can stop IV to file a lawsuit USCIS ? NO ONE

    Many members went on blabbering about how long the process is and how expensive it is ... REMINDER if we can come together and collect upwards of 35k FOR "Lobbying Efforts" we can definitely collect funds for a lawsuit.

    Some one here rightly said ...If we are retrogessed and there is a queue ..Is it because of you or me NO it is due to the inefficiency of the USCIS.


    Again , I want to reiterate , I think if IV core takes lead...hires a good attorney ....we will have funds for it....we have proved it in the past that IVians can contribute

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